01/2018 Yanzhi will serve as publicity chair at IEEE SLIP 2018, which is co-located with DAC 2018 at San Francisco.
01/2018 One paper on model-free control for distributed stream data processing using deep reinforcement learning is accepted by VLDB 2018.
01/2018 Yanzhi gives an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at Northeastern University.
11/2017 One paper receives Best Paper Nomination at ISQED. Congratulations to Xiaolong, Geng, Yipeng, and Ao!
11/2017 One paper on memristor for AI applications is accepted by IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine.
11/2017 One paper on hybrid energy storage for cloud computing systems is conditionally accepted by PLOS-One.
11/2017 Yanzhi gives an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at Cornell University.
11/2017 Yanzhi will give an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at Air Force Lab.
10/2017 Yanzhi gives an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at University of Pittsburgh.
09/2017 Yanzhi gives an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at University of Southern California.
09/2017 Yanzhi gives an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at New York city.
09/2017 One collaborative paper (with FIU and UCF) is nominated for Best Paper Award for ASP-DAC 2018.
08/2017 Yanzhi gives invited presentations on energy-efficient deep learning systems at Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
08/2017 Yanzhi serves as a panelist at the annual seminar at Peking University Center of Energy-Efficient Computing and Applications.
08/2017 The I/UCRC Planning Workshop has been held at University of Notre Dame. Thanks Dr. Yiyu Shi for organizing!
06/2017 NSF Medium Proposal (together with Arizona State University) has been funded, which focuses on deep learning techniques in wireless networking.
06/2017 Yanzhi organizes a panel on deep learning and neuromorphic computing at IEEE SLIP, co-located with DAC 2017.
05/2017 One paper is accepted as oral presentation by International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
05/2017 Yanzhi gives an invited presentation on energy-efficient deep learning systems at SUNY Buffalo.